среда, 29 августа 2012 г.

Visual make-up

Visual make-up
At the core lies the picturesque makeup technique, ie makeup involves working with paints. In this case, all of the key genres, concepts and artistic means of painting - drawing, line, light, shadow, highlight, color - used in makeup.
Line. By a line in the painting is based on the space plane, outlines the boundaries of objects, shapes, creates a linear rhythm. In the make-up is a term primarily describes the work with eyebrows, eyes and lips. It is important to correctly identify the direction of all the lines on the face - depending on its morphology (ie, structure).
Light - this term is used in relation to the subject of fine-lit place. The lightest areas on the face - frontal mounds, cheekbones, bridge of the nose and chin.
Shadow - this term describes the most shaded part of the subject. On the face of it the base of the nose, the area under the lower jaw, eyes.
Penumbra - the term refers to a gradual transition from shadow to light. Sides of the nose, nasolabial folds, the temporal area podskulovaya depression, etc. - These visual parts lightly shaded.
Highlight - the most light (matte or glossy) stain, applied to the most convex part of the subject in order to give a greater dimension.
Examples of practical application of these representational resources in makeup:
  to increase the volume, emphasizing one or another part of the face can brighten the eyes, expressionless nasolabial folds, small nose and chin sunken;
  in order to separate, increasing volume, "removal" from the depths of a person is good to use appropriate cosmetics to shine.
By highlighting one of the subject and the darkness of the human eye perceives a different subject in volume. Chiaroscuro - one of the expressive means of painting. With it sculpts painter volumes, creating the illusion of three-dimensional world. In the make-up with light and dark tones and correct model face - to specifying its form and detail, and - if necessary - to change them. It should be fully aware that the dark tone paint narrow, deepen contours alienates the subject, and light - it expanded, closer, increase. Therefore, all the parts that they want to reduce the optical, to deepen, to narrow, covered with dark tone or powder, and what they want to enlarge and expand it - on the contrary, clears up.
Color - property of the body to cause some viewers feeling in accordance with the spectrum of the reflected light to this body. Perhaps the most important element of painting, the most emotional of its components. As we said, there are three primary colors: red, yellow, blue, other colors are derived from them - because they are called secondary. The secondary colors are obtained by mixing the core.
For example, orange - the result of mixing red and yellow, green - yellow with blue, purple - blue with red, etc.

Basic equipment (tools) make-up "lab"
1) Brushes (Powder, Blush, for application of the eyes, lips, eyebrows);
2) latex sponge (they are round, oval, triangular, diamond-shaped);
3) applicators;
4) brush for combing eyelashes and eyebrows;
5) forceps;
6) eyelash curlers;
7) cosmetic pencil sharpener.

1) Facial Tissues;
2) swabs;
3) cotton swabs;
4) dressing gown;
5) hair clip.

Cosmetics (for all skin types)
1) Cleansing:
- Cosmetic cream for dry skin and removing makeup around the eyes, "and a string of dandelion root" of the series "The formula of the Taiga"; 
- Baby milk with ochischayuschee romashkoy children's series "Green Mama";
2) tonic:
- For dry and normal skin "and a string of strawberries" series "Formula taiga";
- For dry and normal skin series "Sea Garden";
- For oily and problem skin "Cranberry and celandine" series "Formula taiga";
- For oily and problem skin series "Fly";
- For oily skin series "Sea Garden";
3) daily moisturizing cream:
- Toning Gel for Face "Aloe Vera and Lemon" series "Formula taiga";
- Eye Cream "Ussuri hops and Vitamin E" Series "formula taiga";
- Regenerating Cream "Cornflower and vitamin F" series "Aleut";
- Daily Gel for oily skin problem series "Fly";
- Children cream with a series of children's series "Green Mama".

Tools makeup
1) Concealers (priming, offsets);
2) tonalny cream;
3) powder;
4) Blush;
5) eye shadow;
6) outline paint (pencils, aylayner);
7) Mascara resnits;
8) Lip pomada.
Details of the means of color cosmetics, we will discuss in the next section.

The general sequence of makeup
1) camouflage skin (dark spots, vitiligo, vascular net, scars, wrinkles, and so hidden, disguised, masked);
2) application of the tone;
3) consolidation tone powder;
4) eyebrow shaping;
5) The design of the eye;
6) applying blush;
7) clearance lips.

Makeup simple
Despite the fact that makeup is called "simple", its creation is not without difficulties. They are as accurate and clean execution of makeup in meeting the overall harmony (style, color, etc.), in the ease and naturalness of the makeup. Simple makeup consists of six basic steps:
1) rendering a person;
2) dusting of face over the tone;
3) eyebrow shaping;
4) eye makeup;
5) The application of blush;
6) clearance lips.
Before you begin make-up, skin cleanse cosmetics (cosmetic cream, tonic), and then we put on a small amount of day cream.
Tonalny distribute light cream, massaging gently, keeping one "in there" at the hairline and in the direction of the lower jaw to the neck. Layer colors on the eyelids should be particularly easy. Then a person pripudrivayut crumbly powder with a broad brush or puff.
Eye makeup is to hold the circuit on the upper and lower eyelids, eyebrow shaping, applying shadow on the eyelids and eyelashes touching up mascara.
The classic design of the eye is as follows: the darkest shadow - at the outer corner of the eye, a little lighter - in the crease after century, more light - on the mobile century, the lightest - under the eyebrow. Such an arrangement allows the most profitable shadows emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes, their correct almond shape.
Mascara on upper and lower lashes are applied with a special brush, moving from the roots to the ends, as if combing eyelashes. If the eyelashes stick together, then dry brush or comb to separate them from each other.
Blush cause broad soft brush on cheekbones and protruding part shade to the temples.
First outline the lips form a pencil, then brush applied lipstick.

Makeup complex
It runs along the same lines as that of a simple, but includes the task to hide flaws, adjust the shape of the oval and the details of the face.
The modern complex makeup always involves face modeling, ie multilateral picturesque pursue all forms with rouge and powder - to identify and highlight the merits of the person giving the tinted skin vitality, naturally. Modeling should be performed in accordance with the laws of painting, achieving a natural impression of light and shadow on the face.

Make-up remover
He performed as follows:
1) removing makeup from his lips:
- Cosmetic cream for dry skin and removing makeup around the eyes, "and a string of dandelion root" of the series "The formula of the Taiga"; 
- Cleansing Milk with Detskoe romashkoy children's series "Green Mama";
2) removing makeup from the eyes:
- Cosmetic cream for dry skin and removing makeup around the eyes, "and a string of dandelion root" of the series "The formula of the Taiga";
3) facial cleansing:
- Cosmetic cream for dry skin and removing makeup around the eyes, "and a string of dandelion root" of the series "The formula of the Taiga"; 
- Cleansing Milk with Detskoe romashkoy children's series "Green Mama";
4) toning the skin - with, respectively, tonics:
- For dry and normal skin "and a string of strawberries" series "Formula taiga";
- For dry and normal skin series "Sea Garden";
- For oily and problem skin "Cranberry and celandine" series "Formula taiga";
- For oily and problem skin series "Fly";
- For oily skin series "Sea Garden";
5) applying the day cream:
- Toning Gel for Face "Aloe Vera and Lemon" series "Formula taiga".макияж

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