среда, 29 августа 2012 г.

Modern types of hair removal: What to Choose

Modern types of hair removal: What to Choose 
What woman is not in a constant struggle with the vegetation on the body? And no matter what nature made ​​it up in order to protect our skin: in the modern world, it is irrelevant, and we strive to perfect smoothness and beauty. What types of hair removal offers a modern cosmetology and that choose to keep long smoothness, and better - always? 
leave aside our usual methods (epilator, shaving and waxing) and talk about the professional methods of hair removal. Each of the methods has its pros and cons, and do hair removal is with an eye on their health. Electrolysis With this method, the hair follicle is destroyed by an electrical current.Electrolysis - just a general name of the procedure, in fact, depending on the type of current it has several varieties: thermolysis, electrolysis, blend method and the flash method. Thermolysis method - the most popular, the most studied and safe. All other methods are progressive and relatively new.Electrolysis is based on the interaction of current and chemical effects on the follicle. Blend combines the two types of hair removal - thermolysis and electrolysis, and flash - a kind of a light version of thermolysis. This procedure is recommended for people with a low threshold of pain: pain it is extremely low. Pros: electrolysis will get rid of unwanted hair forever, but you need to take a course of treatments and follow prescription cosmetologist. Features: mild irritation of the skin after the procedure, a black dot at a disposal follicle, which quickly disappears. Drawbacks: electrolysis several contraindications - is diabetes, varicose veins, intolerance to electric current (which, alas, can occur even when the procedure, so an experienced beautician will test your sensitivity in a separate area of the skin). Problems with blood pressure, pregnancy, dermatological skin disorders also were not allowed to know what electrolysis. This procedure is very long and very painful, so it is recommended to remove hair from small areas of the skin. Laser hair removal hair removed using a special laser that affects the part of the hair that contains melatonin. Hair follicle is heated and destroyed. Pros: hair disappear after several treatments for long time. On average, beauticians called the figure of 4-10 years. Cons: This procedure works only on dark hair. Laser hair removal is carried out at long intervals, and at this time to get rid of undesirable hair radical ways: hair follicles to remain intact. Photoepilation In the method of hair removal for hair affected by the light beam, which is converted into heat and destroys the follicle. This method is compared with the laser more advanced, as it can impact on your hair any color. To achieve a good effect, too, requires multiple treatments.Pros: IPL effective, does not require a lot of time for a one-time procedure virtually painless and suitable for all types of skin and hair. Cons: The skin becomes red after sessions, there may be swelling. The effect of relatively long-term - 4-6 years. Ultrasonic Hair Removal Hair Removal Ultrasound something akin to electrolysis, only hair destroyed by ultrasound and the impact of a special gel. Hair growth slows, but does not stop completely. Pros: one-time procedure, quick and painless. Cons: The gap between sessions is up to six months, the result of an approximately 12 months before the session is using waxing. Have procedures and side effects: hair can grow on the skin remain hematoma. In addition, this method except the hair follicles are damaged skin cells.Enzymatic removal under the influence of special substances - enzymes that enter the follicle, it is a gradual destruction. Even after the first treatment the hair grows much thinner and lighter. Pros: painless and inexpensive procedure. Cons: need to be repeated often enough to achieve the full effect, can not be used on the face, allergic reactions are possible. Whichever method of hair removal you choose for yourself, beauticians advised to always consult with a dermatologist for individual contraindications and choose the method that suits you.

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