среда, 29 августа 2012 г.

Skin tones.

Skin tones.
Each person has a unique skin tone. This shade is determined by the dye pigment cells - melanin. In addition, the color of the skin effect and hemoglobin Red blood cells are a kind of "cover" the skin from the inside. Depending on the mix of influences subcutaneous complexion is cool and warm.

Cool and warm colors.
Cool complexion believe bluish pale, pinkish-blue, green-yellow (olive). Warm - gold, light champagne color. Characteristically, skin, hair, eyebrows and eyes of one man painted with the same pigments (lukewarm or cool). A basic skin color remains the same throughout life.

Four types of color combinations.
All color combinations of nature we experience as harmonious. They can be soft or shrill. When the color starts to add people, it is often a feeling of discomfort, it seems that the colors do not fit, they are aggressive toward the person and make him or ugly, or repulsive. The idea of a professional selection of different colors to shade skin has come to us from America. It is difficult to group the colors more accurately than did Nature. Therefore, experts have called  the four main types of women  as the seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.

Determination of color type.
Our natural color - the color of the skin, hair and eyes - just defines our individual range of shades. You can define the following specific groups of colors specifically for the coloring of the person: warm, cold, clean, juicy, tender, muted. The combination of our own inherited from the nature of paints and "outsiders" colors - depending on the correct combination - can create a sense of either  harmony or disharmony .

Harmony and disharmony.
Harmony : the skin appears clean and firm, eyes - bright, brilliant, expressive, hair a healthy sheen. Disharmony : distinct circles under the eyes, the skin appears reddish, whites of the eyes - yellowish vague contours of the face, or, conversely, angular, hair looks dull and damaged, the impression of fat and unkempt.

The secret of attraction.
Everyone has their favorite colors. But those colors and colors that we like, do not always coincide with those that suit us. So unfavorable to us in color, as if they were not good in themselves, inevitably give us a tired, unkempt look. The correct definition is favorable for us to emphasize the advantages of group benefits and drawbacks priglushat our face. And it's kind of  a secret universal appeal .красота и здоровья.

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