среда, 29 августа 2012 г.



Human desire to adorn themselves appeared, apparently, before the desire to dress. Even in the most ancient archaeological findings are things used for decoration. The drawings depict the Neolithic naked women with long hanging necklaces and breast ornaments. Earlier in the same caves the Stone Age archaeologists have found rods to color the lips, eyebrows, sharp fish bones for a tattoo.
Ancient tribes perceived images on the face as a natural necessity. With these characters, they expressed anger, joy, sorrow, even social status. Masterfully painted their faces in the Indians. There coloring to intimidate the enemy, coloring, bewitches the heart, and the special mourning pictures.Boys, held a rite of passage into manhood, on the forehead and cheeks also applied special patterns in order to win the favor of their ancestral spirits.
However, considered to be the cradle of cosmetics ancient Egypt. It was there already 4000 years ago, it was invented all that and still want to maintain the beauty of face and body, and for the manufacture of various cosmetics. During the excavation of the temple of the ancient Egyptian queen Hatshepaut (XVIvek BC) was discovered a "beauty shop"! In addition to all kinds of vases, vials, jars of dried paint and creams kept pigs for wigs, curling rods, crescent scissors scraping hair from the body, cosmetic tweezers and a spoon. In special containers to store different aromatic essences, musk, incense, oils ... Despite the centuries, they still fragrance!
The art of cosmetology Egyptians perfected. Scientists have recovered about two hundred ancient recipes for cosmetics. And even used the perfume from the excavation of the remains of the "factory" of cosmetics and perfumes Egyptian queen Cleopatra, which, by the way, even wrote a book on cosmetics - "On Medicines to face."
Reached a high development of cosmetics and the peoples of the Middle East. They invented perfume, toilet water, hair dyes.
In the Far East - in Korea, China, Japan cosmetics attached special aesthetic value. The most skilled were like delicate flowers Japanese geisha. Paint their faces were adorable soft, makeup - refined.Felt high taste and perfect harmony with the hair, jewelry, costumes ... As a rule, sat for hours in front of a Geisha cans of white and blush, leading to a gentle puff skin.
In ancient Russia used paint "from the garden": for blush took a slice of beet, Gloss - fruit raspberry or cherry, for eyebrows and eyes - a piece of charcoal, and black patina. I must say, our village ladies reached almost virtuosic skill in the use of these simple tools. "Sponge ala, chervlena eyebrows ..."
In the Middle Ages for color cosmetics fell on hard times. Painted lips and up eyes were equal to the manifestation of the Holy Inquisition witchcraft. And much later, in England, a country known to be conservative, in 1779 a law was passed, which states that "... any woman of any age, whether maid, wife, or widow, if you use perfume, lipsticks, blush ... seduce the subjects of his majesty, you will be judged as for witchcraft, and the marriage is invalid. "
But that was not all. In the XVII century Europe to trendy cosmetics added the rice powder. Does not crumble to dust, her moistened chicken protein. To emphasize the whiteness of skin invented flies.These were small round pieces of taffeta or velvet black.
In the XVIII century, France became a trendsetter, she was the main supplier of cosmetics.
In the XIX and XX centuries, with the rise of the light industry, discoveries in chemistry, medicine, biology, appeared on the market m other cosmetic products made at a new professional level.
As to the Tsarist Russia, this makeup was first recognized by law in 1908
Cosmetic art never existed in itself. They are influenced by climate, traditions, social status, personality, fashion, religion. It changes its shape, to adapt to the society, but never ceased to evolve and improve. There are also new profession - a stylist, makeup artist, cosmetologist. This is the real professionals who know medicine, culture, painting, drawing, history, beauty and hairdressing.Modern cosmetics - the art, ancient as the world and forward-looking. And yet - the complex modern industry, which is increasingly turning to the natural beauty and wealth of nature.сайт красоты

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