среда, 29 августа 2012 г.


after the age of 30 years, many women notice the vascular changes in the skin. This picture is not very nice, because it means that the vascular changes are taking place inside. The reasons for the particular emotion there, but it's a bell that says that you should pay attention to health. 
Spider veins, stars and other such decorations, which are called common word rosacea, may appear on the face of owners of a thin, sensitive and dry skin. The reasons for their occurrence can be a lot of pregnancy, hormonal changes, poor circulation and lymphatic drainage, alcohol, smoking, and more.External influences on the sensitive skin of the face is also not ruled out - especially bright vascular troubles may occur in white-skinned women or those who are prone to the "sun allergy." What do they say about it dermatologists? Vascular grid. In the occurrence of such nets can be many reasons - from heredity, hazardous work prior to beginning stages of dermatological diseases. Therefore, if such a grid that you just suddenly, try to identify the cause, immediately consult a specialist."spider." Such single blotches on the skin often appear during pregnancy, are not dangerous and usually resolve on their own. Rosacea - some red spots on the face, which may eventually coalesce into larger areas. Such disease often exposed white-skinned people who are prone to frequent redness. The determining factor may be the frequent changes in temperature, excessive coffee and spicy food. Hemangiomas, or benign tumors are different from other vascular changes densely shaded surface and protrude slightly above the skin. They develop as a result of abnormalities of the vessel walls, and should be regularly inspected specialist. Years can not be felt, and then begin to grow. If you notice any changes in the face of blood vessels, do not be lazy sound technician. This may be nuances that require a strengthened and focused care. In this case, the doctor may recommend a special makeup (for skin prone to couperose) or special procedures. If this is the beginning of the disease, it is much easier to cut short the initial stage. Varicose Our ​​feet suffer daily load, and if the blood vessels are weakened, then, hello, varicose veins. Typically, after 30 years of varices may declare itself rapid fatigue legs, night cramps, edema and small vascular net, which will grow if the problem started. Pregnancy, lack of exercise, obesity, family history, habits - all these are the most common causes of varicose veins. If you feel that this disease came too close, way of life will have to change. Try to eliminate from the diet, or at least to reduce the consumption of coffee, fatty and spicy foods. Eat more vegetables and fruit: important vitamins to strengthen the blood vessels - rutin and vitamin C. Seafood, fish - faithful assistants in fighting varicose veins. Increase physical activity: it makes our vessels stiffness so vulnerable. Sport should be regular, not necessarily wear down the debt of strength training, you will accept all cardio and simple exercises for the legs. The rule is to deal with every day, from 15 minutes, but do not overwork. Contrast shower - great training vessels. But, of course, the contrast between the cold and hot water should be increased gradually, as with any hardening. Check liver: state of the vessels often depends on her health. Try to visit more often in the open air - oxygen is also very important for the normal operation of vessels. Watch your weight, the problem of varicose veins often visits people with overweight.Hemorrhoids about such intimate problems often remain silent, without going to the doctor and dispensing ointments and lotions. Meanwhile hemorrhoids - it is also a vivid indication that your blood vessels are not all right. The primary stage of the disease may be asymptomatic. If there is an external symptoms, so the disease spread to the second stage. Improper diet, constipation, excessive exercise, stress, infection, and, of course, weakened blood vessels - that is the cause of this unpleasant disease. If there was pain, fractures, bleeding - seek medical attention immediately, do not self-medicate, to not run up too unpleasant disease and irreversible stages, when surgery is indicated only. When the acute stage of the disease recedes, need constant prevention, otherwise trouble may return. Try to make your meals so that problems with the bowel movement does not occur. Dairy products, whole-grain bread, vegetables, cereals - all have to be in the diet. Perineal hygiene, the use of soft toilet paper - it is also very important. Avoid hypothermia, heavy lifting, long sedentary work. Do special set of exercises. For people who are prone to problems with blood vessels, different sports are swimming, walking, running.

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