среда, 29 августа 2012 г.

Healthy nails - HEALTHY BODY: What do the nails

Healthy nails - HEALTHY BODY: What do the nails 
is usually the internal state of the body is reflected in the exterior. For example, look at his nails: the shape, the color, the shape of the wells, and various spots can talk about the problems that can be corrected. Of course, to judge the health of the nails only mean it is impossible, but often they are the first bell, in order to draw attention to the condition of the body. 
Each of us has an innate form of nails. If the shape and concave nail noticeable changes occur, it may be indicative of problems in living systems. Too convex nails can indicate hormonal changes, nuances of thyroid problems in the gut and heart problems. If the nails are thinned and become concave, the body does not have enough iron. layer of nails - often a sign of improper external influences such as the use of cleaning products without gloves, and the impact of other hazards. But also exfoliating nails can talk about the lack of a sufficient body of water (if the cuticle is also usually retain moisture and have a penchant for burrs). Lack of calcium - is also one of the causes of flaking nails. Nail Color Ideally nail color pink, on its surface, no stains. If the nails a reddish or bluish tinge, this may indicate a lack of iron, blood circulation problems, heart or blood vessels. yellowish color indicates of fungal disease or lack of protein and vitamins A and E. The light color of nails (closer to white) indicates problems with the liver, but if a lighter shade of blue - that there are problems with the digestive and central nervous system. holes form is interesting that some 60% of people pronounced wells is only on his thumbnail. But if you have a hole in all the nails - watch out for them: their size and shape also an indication of the processes occurring in the body. If the holes disappear or become very pale, it may indicate a violation of the process of blood circulation, impaired blood pressure. Also observed in the reduction of hole problems with the lungs and Abuse smoking. In addition, the disappearance of holes can be observed with a strong physical and emotional exhaustion. Excessive, the increase in the size of the wells indicates violations of the heart, including the most serious ones.Oriental Medicine in each finger is attached to a particular organ, and it is believed that if the hole is on the finger was, and then disappeared, it says quite a specific process. For example, the disappearance of the little finger holes indicates slagging bowel ring finger - not good enough for the work of lymph and endocrine system. Middle finger without the usual wells reflects the work of the vascular system and its problems. Index - is the colon, lung and pancreas. thumb Hole - the most important: this is the brain activity, the consciousness, the central nervous system. Therefore, Oriental medicine is not without reason argues that the absence of the wells on the thumb - evidence of disorders of the brain and the tendency to mental illness spots and grooves healthy nail surface is clean, and the various foreign elements almost always say about the changes in the body. white spots dotted stripes and filamentous may appear after suffering a severe cold or dieting as a sign of stress the body. Such manifestations are treated reinforced fortification and general lifting of immunity. These symptoms often occur in immunocompromised children. White spots may also exhibit fungal disease - in this case, the spots grow, and then the nail thickens and turns yellow.yellowish-brown spots, which are closer to the edge of the nail may indicate a beginning psoriasis.uneven wavy surface may indicate a lack of folic acid and vitamin B5. Small pits on the nails say about the problems in the joints, but the longitudinal grooves - on inflammatory processes (teeth, mouth, sinusitis, etc.) or a strong lack of minerals due to poor digestion of food красота.

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