пятница, 31 августа 2012 г.

makeup for lips

Lubricate the lip creams lip with a sponge - lipstick is distributed evenly and last longer. 
too bright circuit looks unnatural. To a pencil line was barely noticeable, blend it (eg applicator). If the contours are too harsh or wide, pound them into the applicator. Good paint and lip pencil, it will become a kind of foundation for lipstick: the color becomes more intense, and it will keep longer. 
With emphasis on the eyes lip tint better restraint. Conversely, if the lips are bright red signal tone, eye makeup should be muted. Underline the lips and eyes with equal force looks unnatural. 
painted lips to make a noble-mat, closed lips stick on paper towel in a single layer and heavily powder the lips over it. Cloth acts as a sieve: pass as much powder as you want, good fixing lipstick and making it dull. 
If you have a round face, it's better not drawn curved contours of the lips, preferring to direct, clear lines. Narrow and thin face, on the contrary, it seems more feminine, if the lips are well dyed and shine. 
If you have thin lips, they visually increase bright lipstick and lip gloss applied over lipstick. 
With full lips shine and avoid too bright colors of lipstick. Look great lips, dyed only a pencil and this dull. 
If teeth naturally have a yellowish tint, they will appear more yellow than between the lips, dyed brown or yellowish-red color. In this case it is better to choose bluish or very dark shades of red. 
defiantly bright-red tones are suitable for girls with rounded lips. In adulthood, preferably slightly softened red, brown and pink shades. 
During the day, you should avoid too dark lipsticks.

среда, 29 августа 2012 г.

Healthy nails - HEALTHY BODY: What do the nails

Healthy nails - HEALTHY BODY: What do the nails 
is usually the internal state of the body is reflected in the exterior. For example, look at his nails: the shape, the color, the shape of the wells, and various spots can talk about the problems that can be corrected. Of course, to judge the health of the nails only mean it is impossible, but often they are the first bell, in order to draw attention to the condition of the body. 
Each of us has an innate form of nails. If the shape and concave nail noticeable changes occur, it may be indicative of problems in living systems. Too convex nails can indicate hormonal changes, nuances of thyroid problems in the gut and heart problems. If the nails are thinned and become concave, the body does not have enough iron. layer of nails - often a sign of improper external influences such as the use of cleaning products without gloves, and the impact of other hazards. But also exfoliating nails can talk about the lack of a sufficient body of water (if the cuticle is also usually retain moisture and have a penchant for burrs). Lack of calcium - is also one of the causes of flaking nails. Nail Color Ideally nail color pink, on its surface, no stains. If the nails a reddish or bluish tinge, this may indicate a lack of iron, blood circulation problems, heart or blood vessels. yellowish color indicates of fungal disease or lack of protein and vitamins A and E. The light color of nails (closer to white) indicates problems with the liver, but if a lighter shade of blue - that there are problems with the digestive and central nervous system. holes form is interesting that some 60% of people pronounced wells is only on his thumbnail. But if you have a hole in all the nails - watch out for them: their size and shape also an indication of the processes occurring in the body. If the holes disappear or become very pale, it may indicate a violation of the process of blood circulation, impaired blood pressure. Also observed in the reduction of hole problems with the lungs and Abuse smoking. In addition, the disappearance of holes can be observed with a strong physical and emotional exhaustion. Excessive, the increase in the size of the wells indicates violations of the heart, including the most serious ones.Oriental Medicine in each finger is attached to a particular organ, and it is believed that if the hole is on the finger was, and then disappeared, it says quite a specific process. For example, the disappearance of the little finger holes indicates slagging bowel ring finger - not good enough for the work of lymph and endocrine system. Middle finger without the usual wells reflects the work of the vascular system and its problems. Index - is the colon, lung and pancreas. thumb Hole - the most important: this is the brain activity, the consciousness, the central nervous system. Therefore, Oriental medicine is not without reason argues that the absence of the wells on the thumb - evidence of disorders of the brain and the tendency to mental illness spots and grooves healthy nail surface is clean, and the various foreign elements almost always say about the changes in the body. white spots dotted stripes and filamentous may appear after suffering a severe cold or dieting as a sign of stress the body. Such manifestations are treated reinforced fortification and general lifting of immunity. These symptoms often occur in immunocompromised children. White spots may also exhibit fungal disease - in this case, the spots grow, and then the nail thickens and turns yellow.yellowish-brown spots, which are closer to the edge of the nail may indicate a beginning psoriasis.uneven wavy surface may indicate a lack of folic acid and vitamin B5. Small pits on the nails say about the problems in the joints, but the longitudinal grooves - on inflammatory processes (teeth, mouth, sinusitis, etc.) or a strong lack of minerals due to poor digestion of food красота.

Beauty and health.

Beauty and health.  
decorative cosmetics today are required, of which ladies of past centuries did not even think. Cosmetics has long been not only an art, but also a serious science. The science of beauty and health. That is why the modern make-up should not only hide flaws and emphasize the dignity of women, but also takes care of her skin, nails, lips and eyelashes. choice of makeup.Decorative as treatment and prevention can be harmful or helpful, depending on the selected tool .And so it should pick up as carefully as care products. several reasons: a) the make-up is on the face for a long time (can be either useful or harmful, oxidation), b) Make-up is updated throughout the day, the funds deposited many times (powder, lipstick, pencil), c) the means of color cosmetics for lips and eyelids may be on the mucous membrane and enter the bloodstream, the stomach; g) fine means may contain a substance that can cause an allergic reaction, d) Store at room temperature they create favorable conditions for the growth of microorganisms, e) women with a satisfactory condition of the skin using it in large quantities. Requirements for color cosmetics. So what are the basic requirements apply to funds today makeup? cosmetics should: a) be easy to application, b) can be easily applied to the skin, c) does not clog pores, allowing the skin to breathe, d) hold well, e) contain biologically active substances - to protect, moisturize and nourish the skin (current trends), f) to be hypoallergenic and, possible, contain the maximum amount of natural components (current trends).красота и здоровья.

Modern types of hair removal: What to Choose

Modern types of hair removal: What to Choose 
What woman is not in a constant struggle with the vegetation on the body? And no matter what nature made ​​it up in order to protect our skin: in the modern world, it is irrelevant, and we strive to perfect smoothness and beauty. What types of hair removal offers a modern cosmetology and that choose to keep long smoothness, and better - always? 
leave aside our usual methods (epilator, shaving and waxing) and talk about the professional methods of hair removal. Each of the methods has its pros and cons, and do hair removal is with an eye on their health. Electrolysis With this method, the hair follicle is destroyed by an electrical current.Electrolysis - just a general name of the procedure, in fact, depending on the type of current it has several varieties: thermolysis, electrolysis, blend method and the flash method. Thermolysis method - the most popular, the most studied and safe. All other methods are progressive and relatively new.Electrolysis is based on the interaction of current and chemical effects on the follicle. Blend combines the two types of hair removal - thermolysis and electrolysis, and flash - a kind of a light version of thermolysis. This procedure is recommended for people with a low threshold of pain: pain it is extremely low. Pros: electrolysis will get rid of unwanted hair forever, but you need to take a course of treatments and follow prescription cosmetologist. Features: mild irritation of the skin after the procedure, a black dot at a disposal follicle, which quickly disappears. Drawbacks: electrolysis several contraindications - is diabetes, varicose veins, intolerance to electric current (which, alas, can occur even when the procedure, so an experienced beautician will test your sensitivity in a separate area of the skin). Problems with blood pressure, pregnancy, dermatological skin disorders also were not allowed to know what electrolysis. This procedure is very long and very painful, so it is recommended to remove hair from small areas of the skin. Laser hair removal hair removed using a special laser that affects the part of the hair that contains melatonin. Hair follicle is heated and destroyed. Pros: hair disappear after several treatments for long time. On average, beauticians called the figure of 4-10 years. Cons: This procedure works only on dark hair. Laser hair removal is carried out at long intervals, and at this time to get rid of undesirable hair radical ways: hair follicles to remain intact. Photoepilation In the method of hair removal for hair affected by the light beam, which is converted into heat and destroys the follicle. This method is compared with the laser more advanced, as it can impact on your hair any color. To achieve a good effect, too, requires multiple treatments.Pros: IPL effective, does not require a lot of time for a one-time procedure virtually painless and suitable for all types of skin and hair. Cons: The skin becomes red after sessions, there may be swelling. The effect of relatively long-term - 4-6 years. Ultrasonic Hair Removal Hair Removal Ultrasound something akin to electrolysis, only hair destroyed by ultrasound and the impact of a special gel. Hair growth slows, but does not stop completely. Pros: one-time procedure, quick and painless. Cons: The gap between sessions is up to six months, the result of an approximately 12 months before the session is using waxing. Have procedures and side effects: hair can grow on the skin remain hematoma. In addition, this method except the hair follicles are damaged skin cells.Enzymatic removal under the influence of special substances - enzymes that enter the follicle, it is a gradual destruction. Even after the first treatment the hair grows much thinner and lighter. Pros: painless and inexpensive procedure. Cons: need to be repeated often enough to achieve the full effect, can not be used on the face, allergic reactions are possible. Whichever method of hair removal you choose for yourself, beauticians advised to always consult with a dermatologist for individual contraindications and choose the method that suits you.


after the age of 30 years, many women notice the vascular changes in the skin. This picture is not very nice, because it means that the vascular changes are taking place inside. The reasons for the particular emotion there, but it's a bell that says that you should pay attention to health. 
Spider veins, stars and other such decorations, which are called common word rosacea, may appear on the face of owners of a thin, sensitive and dry skin. The reasons for their occurrence can be a lot of pregnancy, hormonal changes, poor circulation and lymphatic drainage, alcohol, smoking, and more.External influences on the sensitive skin of the face is also not ruled out - especially bright vascular troubles may occur in white-skinned women or those who are prone to the "sun allergy." What do they say about it dermatologists? Vascular grid. In the occurrence of such nets can be many reasons - from heredity, hazardous work prior to beginning stages of dermatological diseases. Therefore, if such a grid that you just suddenly, try to identify the cause, immediately consult a specialist."spider." Such single blotches on the skin often appear during pregnancy, are not dangerous and usually resolve on their own. Rosacea - some red spots on the face, which may eventually coalesce into larger areas. Such disease often exposed white-skinned people who are prone to frequent redness. The determining factor may be the frequent changes in temperature, excessive coffee and spicy food. Hemangiomas, or benign tumors are different from other vascular changes densely shaded surface and protrude slightly above the skin. They develop as a result of abnormalities of the vessel walls, and should be regularly inspected specialist. Years can not be felt, and then begin to grow. If you notice any changes in the face of blood vessels, do not be lazy sound technician. This may be nuances that require a strengthened and focused care. In this case, the doctor may recommend a special makeup (for skin prone to couperose) or special procedures. If this is the beginning of the disease, it is much easier to cut short the initial stage. Varicose Our ​​feet suffer daily load, and if the blood vessels are weakened, then, hello, varicose veins. Typically, after 30 years of varices may declare itself rapid fatigue legs, night cramps, edema and small vascular net, which will grow if the problem started. Pregnancy, lack of exercise, obesity, family history, habits - all these are the most common causes of varicose veins. If you feel that this disease came too close, way of life will have to change. Try to eliminate from the diet, or at least to reduce the consumption of coffee, fatty and spicy foods. Eat more vegetables and fruit: important vitamins to strengthen the blood vessels - rutin and vitamin C. Seafood, fish - faithful assistants in fighting varicose veins. Increase physical activity: it makes our vessels stiffness so vulnerable. Sport should be regular, not necessarily wear down the debt of strength training, you will accept all cardio and simple exercises for the legs. The rule is to deal with every day, from 15 minutes, but do not overwork. Contrast shower - great training vessels. But, of course, the contrast between the cold and hot water should be increased gradually, as with any hardening. Check liver: state of the vessels often depends on her health. Try to visit more often in the open air - oxygen is also very important for the normal operation of vessels. Watch your weight, the problem of varicose veins often visits people with overweight.Hemorrhoids about such intimate problems often remain silent, without going to the doctor and dispensing ointments and lotions. Meanwhile hemorrhoids - it is also a vivid indication that your blood vessels are not all right. The primary stage of the disease may be asymptomatic. If there is an external symptoms, so the disease spread to the second stage. Improper diet, constipation, excessive exercise, stress, infection, and, of course, weakened blood vessels - that is the cause of this unpleasant disease. If there was pain, fractures, bleeding - seek medical attention immediately, do not self-medicate, to not run up too unpleasant disease and irreversible stages, when surgery is indicated only. When the acute stage of the disease recedes, need constant prevention, otherwise trouble may return. Try to make your meals so that problems with the bowel movement does not occur. Dairy products, whole-grain bread, vegetables, cereals - all have to be in the diet. Perineal hygiene, the use of soft toilet paper - it is also very important. Avoid hypothermia, heavy lifting, long sedentary work. Do special set of exercises. For people who are prone to problems with blood vessels, different sports are swimming, walking, running.

Terms competent makeup. person - this is your calling card.

Terms competent makeup. person - this is your calling card. A make-up reflects your attitude to fashion and self-image. When make-up corresponds to the inner "I" and the mood of the woman, he makes it attractive: it looks good and feels good. in modern makeup should be shown every detail of the face. Makeup only considered literate when it "complete". Even if you want to face was not visible cosmetics (make-up so-called "clean face"), still need a thin layer of foundation, the eyes should be decorated with shadows, mascara and contour pencil, and always - at least a little gubnoy pomady and blush. Color saturation is dependent on the function of makeup. For example, in the natural makeup cosmetics should be muted, calm tones, lying haze undertones, and to be almost invisible to the eye. According to the classical canons, competent makeup - make-up is focused on one part of the face. Tend to give either eyes or lips. It is believed that if the brightly dyed lips, the eyes no longer need to stress, and vice versa, with bright eyes isolated, lips should be more or less neutral. reading order of the face. There conditionally adopted the reading order of the person: 1) age, 2) the overall style; 3) appointment makeup, 4) type of skin 5) oval face shape (oval, round, square, etc.) 6) form of facial features, 7) type of color (the color of the skin, eyes, hair, clothes). Based detailed study of this appearance, concluded for the following modifications. shaped face. in real life are very rare persons corresponding strict proportions of the "golden section". The variety of forms conditionally reduced to seven main types: 1) oval, 2) round, 3) square, 4) triangular, 5) trapezoidal, 6) rectangular; 7) diamond-shaped. Often, one person has the elements of two or even more basic forms. In this case, the person referred to that form, characterized by predominant. Oval face - taken as an ideal. Round face - horizontal and vertical dimensions of the face closer to each other. The temples, jaw and chin are rounded, soft shape. Square face - has deployed the angles of the lower jaw, the rectangular shape of the upper and lower parts of the face. Triangular face - wide at the forehead and cheekbones and tapering to the chin. trapezoidal face - is characterized by angulation the lower jaw. The upper part of the face is much lower. Rectangular face - sharp prevalence of different vertical dimensions of the horizontal. For such a person characterized by a high forehead and a long chin. rhomboid face - has high cheekbones, tapering at the top and bottom of the face. facial proportions. Related ideal face is divided into three equal parts: the upper, middle, bottom. This division by four imaginary lines: - the first - the tangent edge forehead - the second - drawn through the noseband on the eyebrows, - the third - through the base of the nose - the fourth - the tangent end of the chin. eye pupil level divides the entire head to equal the height of the (upper and lower). Nose width of its wings is the distance between the inner corners of the eyes, in turn, is the distance equal to the length of the optic fissure.Correct brow should begin at the point of intersection with a line drawn through the base of the nose and the inner corner of the eye, and ends at the intersection of the straight line drawn through the base of the nose outer corner of the eye. standard of correct shape of the face is that which differs smooth outlines the forehead, cheeks, lower jaw and chin, as if entered into an oval. Thus, conventionally considered to be the perfect oval face with the true proportion of parts. type person.basic requirement for highly qualified make-up is to determine the type of person. The concept of "type of person" - is wider than the concept of "face shape." It includes the shape of the face, its details, character and individuality, and more. Modeling face. wisely using make-up, we can always fix something optically or, alternatively, add to our face. This is achieved by light or, respectively, of dark makeup (foundation, powder, eye shadows, natural concealers) that are applied to specific areas of the face. However, there are certain rules that must retreat, as it is diverted into the depths with black paint, and what we need to push forward, lightened. Correction of the face. round face. The purpose of correction - a long face, visually reduce cheeks: - darken the sides of the face (from the temples down to the lower jaw) with foundation or powder slightly darker than the natural color of the person; - apply blush on the cheekbones in a triangle shape, stretched to the corners of the mouth, color - neutral, dark. Square face. The purpose of correction - soften the sharp outline of the lower jaw and forehead: - darken the protruding corners of the lower jaw and the "flat" line of hair growth; - apply blush on the cheekbones in a triangle shape, elongated in the direction of the temples, color - neutral, can be bright, lively. Triangular face. The purpose of correction - visually balance the wide upper part of the face with a narrow bottom: - darken the whiskey and the lateral surface of the cheeks; - if you select a pointed chin, his darker powder powder; - lighten podskulovye depression and sides of the lower jaw, apply blush on the cheeks in the front surface a diamond shape, color - light, gentle.trapezoidal face. The purpose of correction - reduce the amount of broad lower face, to try to expand the top: - obscure the lateral surface of the lower jaw - lighten the temporal area; - apply paint a rectangle, elongated and feathered to the temples. rectangular face. The purpose of correction - visually expand and shorten the shape of the face: - darken the forehead on the hairline; - darken the lower jaw; - to highlight the lateral surface of the face, - apply blush in the form of an oval and flat shaded, color - light, gentle. rhomboid face. The purpose of correction - visually soften the angular shape face: - darken the convex part of the cheeks; - lighten podskulovye depression and temporal regions; - apply blush in a triangle on the front of the jaw, color - neutral, dark. correction parts of the face. Eyebrows. Natural eyebrow shape, this man by nature, is best suited to the type of person (not including small "shoots", for example, in the nose.) , but the form of eyebrows too prone fashion. In the days of Cleopatra considered beautiful bushy black eyebrows. In the 18th century English lady even strengthened their eyebrows with a mouse fur. In 1920, in fashion eyebrow-strings. It was only from the mid 80's eyebrows again "have the right to" grow "as they please." physiological function of the eyebrows - to protect your eyes from dirt and sweat of the current. Aesthetic - additional design and decorating orbital cavities, overall "balance" of the face. The harmonious combination of eye brows, lips, oval face gives charm. Eyebrows can make or break the charm, to enhance the beauty and appeal of the eye, or, conversely, to give a person an undesirable expression exacerbate certain of its shortcomings. complete makeover can lose meaning if eyebrows correctly registered. Therefore it is necessary to know how to structure, form and line, and the rules of their registration. structure, density, shape and position of the eyebrows. eyebrows in the structure are following parts: a) the head - the thickened portion, located at the nose bridge, not thick and not too colored , b) the body - the average, the most highly colored part; in) tail - male, faintly thin part. Depending on the thickness, the eyebrows are: - wide; - thin, - short, - long, - fused at the noseband. Depending on forms: - smooth, - round, - straight, - with a break; - eyebrows "house." Depending on the position of: - Horizontal; - ascending; - going down. ways to change the shape and eyebrow tinting. 1. Eyebrow pencil. Color pencil should be as close to the color of the eyebrows. 2. Shadows. Apply using a stiff brush or a special applicator. 3. Mascara resnits. 4. Chemical eyebrow. 5. Eyebrow Tattoo - plant pigments injected under the skin between the hairs. adjustment rules face with eyebrows. 1. Rising eyebrows visually lengthen the face, give vitality, friendliness, youthfulness. 2. Arcuate - no change in the face. 3. Horizontal - extend face. With thick eyebrows - the impression of severity. 4. Falling brows give the face a sad expression. 5. Eyebrows are located far from the top of the head extends face. When blizkoposazhennyh eyes should epilate head to visually like "pull apart" the eyes. 6.Eyebrows with heads close raspolozhennymi narrow upper part of the face and pull together visually eye ("put on your nose"). 7. Small features and thin lips are harmoniously combined with thin eyebrows. Major features of the "demand" thick eyebrows. 8. Eyebrow color should be 1-2 shades darker or lighter hair. With the dramatic changes in the natural hair color to change the color of eyebrows. correction parts of the face. Forehead. Plastic brow shape defined anatomical features of the frontal bone. forehead are the following forms: a) high, b) low, in) wide, d) narrow. Loeb's profile can be: a) convex, b) beveled, c) direct. wide and high forehead can visually narrowed if respectively whiskey and hairline darken darker powder or foundation. Narrow and low forehead, on the contrary, it should brighten. correction parts of the face. Chin. encountered the following forms of the chin: a) oval (classical), b) sharp, c) chamfered, d) square, d) acting, e) forked etc. Disproportionate actively projecting parts to darken. Small or receding chin - on the contrary, to lighten. correction parts of the face. Nose. All the diversity of the nose can be schematically a conditionally reduced to a simple form - a prism. Prism nose has the following surfaces: a) back, b) base; c) wings, main nose in profile: a) concave (snub-nosed), b) straight line, a) is convex, g) with a hump, e) wavy. Additionally, noses are: a) long, b) short, b) broad; g) narrow. correction parts of the face. Lips. Lips formed circular muscle of the mouth covered by subcutaneous fat layer and the mucosa. Lips are very mobile and fully "expose" themselves, if the correction is made ​​in pencil lightly. Deviation from the natural pattern should not exceed 1-2 mm. Whatever the form of lips for a successful correction and long to keep clean makeup needs careful study of the edge or lip tone powder. Pencil should be well sharpened and not too soft. reduce the size of the lips, outline paint, stepping inside a natural edge to 1-2 mm. Increasing - do the opposite. This will increase the lips much more easily than smaller. For volumetric shape pose glare lip gloss or light lipstick: the upper lip - in the center on the bottom - on tubercles. Depending on the shape of the lips are distinguished: a) normal (upper lip has the classic shape of the lips, so-called "onion Venus") b) broad; in) thin, d) non-uniform, d) swollen, puffy.Depending on the cut of the mouth slit: a) horizontal, b) the corners of the mouth are raised, Mr. ) omitted, d) asymmetric. correction parts of the face. Eyes. eyes - the first and most important means of communication with others. They most fully reflect the character and feelings, and always a woman wants to emphasize them, even if she prefers to go without make-up. eye make-up with great care - the sophistication and charm are capable of producing the most impressive effect. position, shape, size, color, expressive eyes. On the front is judged by a set of attributes: location, shape, size, color, expression. Depending on the shape of the eye are distinguished: - almond, - round, - slit. Depending on the size of: - normal, - large, - small. By the nature of planting ie location of the eyeball in the eye socket: - normally planted, - deep-set, - convex. Depending on the distance between the inner corners of the eyes: - normally planted; - close-set; - widely spaced. As of the eye axis (the axis in this case is conditional straight line drawn through the outer and inner corners of the eyes): - horizontal - the corners are on a line (the classic) - upward - outer corner above the inner (eastern) - falling - outer corner below the internal (European). Humphrey assumed almond eyes shape, the distance between them is the length of the eye, and the angles, internal and external, are located on one level. Clever use of color cosmetics - shadows, pencils, aylaynera, carcasses, etc. can change the shape of the eye. adjustment rules eyes. round eyes. The purpose of correction - visually lengthen the eyes, bringing them to the ideal shape. - a line of eye rims have to extend beyond the outer corner of the natural line of the cut eye - apply shadow, accentuating the shape and color from the outer corner of the eye, feathered almost horizontally. Protruding eyes. The purpose of correction - "deepen" the eyes and visually reduce the bulge age.: - use a matte, dull cosmetics for eyes, - make sure that the area under the eyebrow was lighter than on the mobile age. deep-set eyes. The purpose of correction - "withdraw from the depths", enlarge the eyes, to make more expressive. - this is the task of light (if "can" skin, it's best light pearlescent) shadows applied on top mobile eyelid.Falling eyes. The purpose of correction - visually "lift" lowered the outer corners of the eyes, giving the face a sad expression. - contour and shading applied so as to change the direction of the incident line, ie Every effort is outside corner eyebrows. Depending on the shape of the eye are distinguished:- almond, - round, - slit. Depending on the size of: - normal, - large, - small. By the nature of planting, ie location of the eyeball in the eye socket: - normally planted, - deep-set, - convex. Depending on the distance between the inner corners of the eyes: - normally planted; - close-set; - widely spaced. As of the eye axis (the axis in this case is conditional straight line drawn through the outer and inner corners of the eyes): - horizontal - the corners are on a line (the classic) - upward - outer corner above the inner (eastern) - falling - outer corner below the internal (European). Humphrey assumed almond eyes shape, the distance between them is the length of the eye, and the angles, internal and external, are located on one level. Clever use of color cosmetics - shadows, pencils, aylaynera, carcasses, etc. can change the shape of the eye. adjustment rules eyes. round eyes. The purpose of correction - visually lengthen the eyes, bringing them to the ideal shape. - a line of eye rims have to extend beyond the outer corner of the natural line of the cut eye - apply shadow, accentuating the shape and color from the outer corner of the eye, feathered almost horizontally. Protruding eyes. The purpose of correction - "deepen" the eyes and visually reduce the bulge age.: - use a matte, dull cosmetics for eyes, - make sure that the area under the eyebrow was lighter than on the mobile age.deep-set eyes. The purpose of correction - "withdraw from the depths", enlarge the eyes, to make more expressive. - this is the task of light (if "can" skin, it's best light pearlescent) shadows applied on top mobile eyelid. Falling eyes. The purpose of correction - visually "lift" lowered the outer corners of the eyes, giving the face a sad expression. - contour and shading applied so as to change the direction of the incident line, ie Every effort is outside corner eyebrows. Depending on the shape of the eye are distinguished: - almond, - round, - slit. Depending on the size of: - normal, - large, - small.By the nature of planting, ie location of the eyeball in the eye socket: - normally planted, - deep-set, - convex. Depending on the distance between the inner corners of the eyes: - normally planted; - close-set; - widely spaced. As of the eye axis (the axis in this case is conditional straight line drawn through the outer and inner corners of the eyes): - horizontal - the corners are on a line (the classic) - upward - outer corner above the inner (eastern) - falling - outer corner below the internal (European).Humphrey assumed almond eyes shape, the distance between them is the length of the eye, and the angles, internal and external, are located on one level. Clever use of color cosmetics - shadows, pencils, aylaynera, carcasses, etc. can change the shape of the eye. adjustment rules eyes. round eyes. The purpose of correction - visually lengthen the eyes, bringing them to the ideal shape. - a line of eye rims have to extend beyond the outer corner of the natural line of the cut eye - apply shadow, accentuating the shape and color from the outer corner of the eye, feathered almost horizontally.Protruding eyes. The purpose of correction - "deepen" the eyes and visually reduce the bulge age.: - use a matte, dull cosmetics for eyes, - make sure that the area under the eyebrow was lighter than on the mobile age. deep-set eyes. The purpose of correction - "withdraw from the depths", enlarge the eyes, to make more expressive. - this is the task of light (if "can" skin, it's best light pearlescent) shadows applied on top mobile eyelid. Falling eyes. The purpose of correction - visually "lift" lowered the outer corners of the eyes, giving the face a sad expression. - contour and shading applied so as to change the direction of the incident line, ie Every effort is outside corner eyebrows.здаровья и красота.