воскресенье, 10 февраля 2013 г.

Makeup correctly

Of course, do not mistake the one who does not do anything. Even women who do not have the first year of the trust relationship with the make-up, sometimes make in make-up a little, but the blot. So, the classic mistakes everyday makeup in order. Tone I think Russian women tend to abuse the tone. And the most common mistake when applying colors - its quantity. Usually results in little or a lot. If the skin is in good condition, the tone in the minimum amount needed. Conversely, a bad skin it should be used to a greater extent, but still preferable to mask deficiencies tone than cover their face like plaster. No matter which method of applying a tone closer to you - with your fingers, a sponge, brush, the main thing - to achieve the effect of a very thin film rather dense makeup. In addition, some of the ladies are not very well tone shades, sometimes picking it specifically because of the whiteness of his own darker skin. Understanding their desire, I still would like to mention it to errors makeup. After quite noticeable, if not obvious, the line separating the white neck and dusky face. It's ugly and sometimes looks as if the face is marred by something. Tint colors should match the color of the skin. Most of our women's pink skin tone, so please choose the color tone. Powder The main purpose of powder, as such, is that the skin is not shining. It also helps to correct minor flaws - pimples, broken capillaries. Matte Powder indispensable when you need to disguise flaws and irregularities of the face. Bold tone requires dusting to prevent it from reflection-in bright light. Now there are new formulas tones that do not need zapudrivat, because it is itself splendidly to the skin. Under the powder is better to put a little cream to powder particles acclimation to the skin. And then there is a caveat, sometimes giving rise to errors. Necessary to distinguish the effect produced by the two types of powder: crumbly - locking and compact - highly pigmented. If the compact powder is put on a fat basis - cream or tone, the pigment begins to appear, which should not be. Shadows They probably have the least problems of women. However, they are - in the choice of color shades. In addition, under certain color and a certain technique requires the application of shadows, that women do not always consider. Thus, it is desirable pearly shade shade only on the upper eyelid and podbrovnoy part, but a matte shadow - and in the crease of the eye, and on the upper eyelid. Also, they can trace the eye. Before eyelids, women, it happens, apply the cream to the skin around the eyes. This is wrong. Consequence of such a rash step - shadow applied unevenly, roll and end up looking dirty. If a woman, for some reason do not have time to wait until the cream is absorbed, it is better before put make-up shade, powdered skin around the eyes. Separate conversation about eyeliner. It requires a jeweler's precision coating, so some training exercises. And with a few exceptions for many, many blue mascara and eyeliner looks like a female saleswoman 70s. Note holders and narrow little eyes! This is a big mistake when you let the inner eyelid. Ink To avoid mistakes, should accentuate the accuracy and correctness of the application of mascara, which has a different purpose. If badly dyed bulk ink, the eyelashes may look like a rolled up. Extending ink usage is: to apply one coat and let it dry, then the second and third. This mascara contains extending element - fiber, and if the ink staining lashes for not dry out, you can not achieve the desired effect. Rouge Obviously, much of the skin look great Russians blush pink tones and tan. And so some of your favorite blush brown palette does not allow the skin look refreshed, glowing from within. In some cases, they even give the face an earthy hue. When using brown blush palette can unconsciously change the assignment of any make-up, trying to look young and fresh artificially himself look older. Lips Rimmed dark brown pencil lips and pearly lipstick - familiar, does not it? This is an echo of the old-fashioned 60's. Texture of modern lipsticks can not to use crayons. But to fans of the "tools of seduction" happy to recommend to use color pencil, perfectly coinciding with a touch of gloss or lipstick. And again, a lighter pencil soften lip contour, and darker - underline. Choose what you're interested. The procedure itself is "building on the lips of beauty" is simple: emphasize the lips with a pencil, powder the it and apply lipstick. This propudrenny lip contour lipstick long will spread. This way, I would advise the ladies postbalzakovskogo age. Girls I would not recommend using a lip pencil. Nonprofessionals applied lipstick makeup sometimes far beyond the edge of the lips. In this case, can achieve a smeared baby's mouth just ate the candy. In general, make-up is appropriate middle ground. And if you noticed, "Oh, how are you today wearing makeup!" - It is not a compliment. A compliment is: "How do you look good today!"

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