пятница, 15 февраля 2013 г.

Female spring

For women are spring-type blonde with a clean and fair skin ivory or peach shade. Thanks to this particular face of a woman with little or no special tricks shines from the inside and it looks clear and crisp. It is not necessary to refer themselves to the summer type of skin with a pink tint, as in bright make-up woman - spring loses its beauty. Hair color representatives of tsvetotipa predominantly fair: flax, straw, honey early and darker shades of 30-40 years. However, the sun appears golden glow. Hair soft to the touch and delicate. You will never meet a woman-spring, with black hair, but with a dark red or brown hair can be found. The eyes of the representatives of this type are blue, blue-green or golden-hazel color. Effect due to the presence of their illumination rays, specks or dots on the iris. Spring woman will look great in a fresh and bright colors of early spring: the tender green leaves of birch, rich color of daffodils, purple and red tulips and crocuses. To give skin radiance female spring can use beige and brown hues: caramel, camel, beige, dark beige, chocolate cream and others. However, do not use the dazzling white color, as it will mute the beauty of the skin, but to experiment with a combination of white and cream colors give mysteriously. The red color in the clothes must be chosen with care, as the bluish, cold, too rich shades destroy individuality female spring. For blue recommendations are similar. When choosing clothes greens should not give preference to the deaf, dusky, dirty colors, as these colors will be an old woman and give her haggard appearance. Dark purple and purple-pink colors give the image of pain and unnatural. By the nature of women spring type optimistic, straightforward, easy to lift. However, despite these qualities, the fairer sex look weak, in need of hard man's shoulder. My advice - do not believe the first impression! Tell about the rules of makeup To keep the effect of the glowing golden skin women spring type should be approached with extreme caution to the choice of colors used to make up. The wrong tone will harm the image of the grandeur and beauty will make an extra touch of nature into a fashion victim. In the selection of colors should be preferred warm, pale tones with total exclusion of blue and blue hues. Foundation makeup should speak foundation liquid consistency or loose powder transparent, pale peach tones or ivory. The selection is made in accordance with the characteristics of the skin and season. Framework should be applied thinly, so as not to close the natural complexion. Do not choose bright purple-pink blush, brown and sirenevato tones. They must be combined with the color of the skin, and not "burdening" him. However, if you can be lightly tanned face proeksperementirovat, but do not overdo it. Do you want to look spectacular? Then give preference to pale pink, salmon and light coral tones. When applying makeup to her eyes to observe the cardinal rule - the transparency of tones. Black eyeliner and dark shadows that are typical dramatic style will give a person dull and unnatural. So do not get involved in fashion trends. For bright eyes perfectly suited the muted pastel colors, aqua and green colors. With green and golden-brown eyes will combine warm light brown. In that case, if the shadows look rough, we can apply the feminine wiles and dampen them with clear powder. In the role of eyeliner, use pale green or bluish Kaya. There are no such colors - then you can resort to a golden-brown and gray. For lower eyelid is desirable to use a white or mixed with another shade of the circuit. To correct for the eyelashes and eyebrows in any case can not be used black. This immediately negative impact on the natural way. Eyebrow, use a light brown or golden-brown pencil and mascara perfectly suitable ink green or blue. The most striking combination of recognized pale lime and violet-blue. If to emphasize their salmon-colored shades and turquoise ink, you will look irresistible. Do not choose dark, bluish-red and purple shades of lipstick. It only hurt your image. Brownish color will add exhaustion and pain mean. Warm pink, peachy pink, pure reds and lip gloss best decorate woman spring. Women do not spring type to prefer sports type haircuts and sweet or heavy perfume. Wavy hair, hair randomness (in moderation of course), light and fresh aroma decorate woman spring.

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