понедельник, 11 февраля 2013 г.

Classic makeover

Have you ever watched a silent movie? Coal black eyes, overly made-up eyelashes and eyebrows-strings. Certain image: Piero. Since that time, ever year until now, makeup artists often introduces an element of the very make-up that was used to film the 20-ies of the last year, however, it has undergone some changes. He became more restrained and less flashy. Until now, such a classic look at the make-up techniques are still relevant and popular among makeup artists. It is used in the evening and daytime performance. Of stories Top 20's of last year, around the world have developed new means of cosmetic tweaks for females. And indeed cosmetics has become the norm for ordinary people who are no longer perceive it as a privilege actresses and prostitutes. Pale and slightly sickly face, it was fashionable at the time, but it was already coming into fashion shades of tan powder and peach. Soon a first nerassypchataya powder (compact), which has become very popular because of its practical side. In the 20's it was decided to paint the lips dark lipstick, with a well-defined contour line, as ever graced bright black arrows. It has been many years in the 60 th years, these arrows have become part of fashion women. Recall Svetlana Svetlichnoye in the movie "The Diamond Arm". It is clearly visible. Eyelashes are also artificially increase, without coloring: gluing. Because of this, the eyes become languid and very beautiful, some mysterious. Modern visage The periodicity of the evolution of fashion continues. Again, make-up artists began to turn to the subject of the classic meykapa. Though again in a modified vide.Kakie changes? Buy a basic foundation for the powder to tone less to complexion was not so tanned and got pale aristocratic teksturu.Zatem inflict this powder on top of foundation makeup. To make the cheeks expression, causes them peach shade or bronzovatogo. Likely that the jump in retro expire, but makeup will return to this make-up after a while. How to put make-up eyes to the classical version Few eyebrows accentuated: using a soft pencil and brush, give the correct form. Eyelash lengthening mascara paint, and then to put the second coat of volume mascara. Ink color - black. If your eyes are not beautiful, long lashes, you can not much worry! But back in the early 60's was invented such a thing as artificial eyelashes .. Then they were not as impressive as the ones that made the modern cosmetic industry. Now there is even a tool for improve their appearance as eyelash. The fees range from 1500 to 5000 rubles, but the procedure is justified. Lashes look natural and very attractive. Retro circuit: "arrow" - a required element of classic visage. But it should not be applied in pencil, as it did in the 60's, and a special tool - a liquid eyeliner. The main thing is not to overdo it. Because then your mind vulgarity only hurt! Eye shadows in the classics - beige and golden hues, light and almost invisible. Welcome pearly shades of shadows, giving the eye sparkle. Lips make-up for a classic Fashionable bright and luscious lips. If you are too thin lips, try to use the following colors: light blue, red, pink. Conversely, if you have plump lips, you can apply more juicy: dark red, cherry red. In this case, we need to use a pencil for a form of image. Fashion make-up trends Classic makeup complemented by new shades of lipsticks: a glossy and bright. Shadows began to apply a purple and lilac shades. A foundation has ceased to be a purely aristocratic species as lightly tanned tone looks more younger and healthier.

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