среда, 10 января 2018 г.

Криптовалюта «Сибирский Червонец» – твоя персональная золотая жила

Надоели посредники и прочие личности, богатеющие за чужой счет? Забудьте о них! Вашему вниманию представлена децентрализованная платежная система «Сибирский Червонец» (SIB). Без посредников и перекупов! Регулировочные функции осуществляются посредством функционирования общедоступного математического алгоритма.

Что это значит? Расчеты производятся по принципу «от пользователя к пользователю», напрямую. Соответственно, между вами формируется распределенная сеть. Любые транзакции сохраняются в сети, обновление происходит мгновенно.

Приоритет доверия: вы сами решаете вопросы эмиссии!
Что такое эмиссия? По сути, это выпуск ценных бумаг. «Сибирский Червонец» – это система, в которой участники самостоятельно решают, сколько червонцев они будут выпускать сегодня/завтра/через полгода.

Но! Во избежание распыления ценных активов общая эмиссия и порядок взаиморасчетов строго контролируются алгоритмами системы. А также:

Вы всегда будете в курсе параметров и статистики сети «Червонца».
Соблюдается банковская тайна.
Используются современные отечественные криптографические средства защиты.

Принцип свободной конвертации: хочешь вывести? Выводи прямо сейчас!
Напомним, что стоимость одного червонца определяется в процессе торга на бирже. Никто лично не решает, сколько сегодня будет стоить червонец. Если сейчас вы видите ценник в 10 000 рублей, то завтра он может подняться до 14 000 рублей. Все решает мистер Рынок. Цена зависит от спроса и предложения.

Любые операции с червонцами вы можете осуществлять по своему усмотрению: купля/продажа доступна на бирже, через обменники, из рук в руки. Как угодно.

Насколько это все безопасно?
Сеть характеризуется двухуровневой структурой, по типу DASH. Так, здесь представлены свои мастерноды, которые подтверждают транзакции через достижение консенсуса. Благодаря им достигается быстрота проведения транзакций, + это дополнительная защита от 51% атак. Почему так происходит? Потому что майнеры обычно дают подтверждение только для новых транзакций и переводов, оставшихся после мастернод. Так обеспечивается безопасность использования монетных сервисов. Напомним, что в 90% все-таки консенсуса удается достигнуть. На данный момент в сети числится больше 9 000 мастернодов.

Мастерноды – это серверы, которые функционируют всегда онлайн, ежедневно и круглосуточно.

Как это работает?
Всего доступно порядка 3 формы по работе с червонцами. Желаете сделать перевод или получить средства? Тогда используйте:

Программу-кошелек, предварительно установив ее на свой девайс;
Онлайн кошелек;
Форма наличных. Это специальный кошелек, защищенный кодом. Средства из него могут переводиться на любые электронные кошельки.
Интересно, что червонец может быть выпущен в печатной форме! В таком случае его можно просто распечатать и убрать в сейф. И возможность кражи будет сведена к нулю!

Планируется использовать децентрализованный обменный сервис, который работает со всеми популярными блокчейнами и маркетплейсом по принципу OpenBazaara. Соответственно, будет обеспечиваться быстрый доступ к сети через приложения. Далее запланирован выпуск дебетной карты, которая будет привязываться к кошельку с червонцами.

воскресенье, 17 февраля 2013 г.

Makeup for small eyes

With the current make-up opportunities even small eyes - this is not a problem. Good cosmetics, plus proper technique eye makeup if desires can visually expand the eyes and make the eyes look more expressive. Not all the stars that shine on the red carpet at birth have the data, with whom they are brought before a crowd of spectators, as it all - only a laudable result of their expensive makeup artists. A very striking example of narrow and featureless by nature, and sometimes even some swollen eye slits - the eyes Renee Zellweger. In this case, in contrast to the flat chest small eye problem is solved with a plastic, so the stars have to conjure with his makeup. The worst thing that you can do with your little eyes - it is even more to reduce them, for putting them in this niche of dark shadows and thick eyeliner. All existing myths regards mightily these funds are greatly exaggerated - they are only suitable to emphasize the beauty of eyes that have a significant size and shape. For this reason, in a conversation with regards to makeup small eyes we advise you to exclude from the list of the styles and techniques of the so-called smoky eyes in his classic dark colors. Haze spanning eyes dark matte or pearl shadow, small eyes absorb completely, and in the case if the eyes are bright and then there is a risk at all to create a frightening impression of emptiness, not expression. Deposit same success in the make-up small eyes - it is very filigree correct contour pencil and bright shade. Small eye shadows choose better pearlescent, but not high-gloss. With excessive zeal, they do not even worse than the darkest might overshadow its dazzling radiance narrow slits of eyes, making them even less noticeable. Put on all the upper eyelid of a lighter shade, a zone in under the brow and inner corner of the eye better highlight white. After taking a few darker shade of the same range, dealing with it on the outer edges and good blending outwards. Taboo is a heavy black eyeliner. In this case, the best thing in order to indicate the circuit in young eyes - it's some color pencil, but if black, then there is always the most subtle. Small eyes can tolerate those dramatic black arrows a la Sophia Loren in the fifties. Dark color, which lies on the upper eyelid wide line, creates, in the end, the illusion of weight and pressure on the eye visually, further narrowing them. Professional makeup artists trick that want to visually enlarge the eyes of its own clients - a white or flesh-colored pencil, which is applied on the inner eyelid. It is best to put a pencil drawing after completion of eye makeup to like mascara and shadow did not impose on him then print. Just spend a little to the Inland century, right along the line of growth of eyelashes so light pencil (preferably matte - it will be more natural), and the outline of your eyes will be visually enhanced. No tales regards beautiful "cat eye" should not push you to change your light pencil on the darker, which is usually drawn deeper look directly at the inner eyelid. This make-up you will not do. Depending on the shape of your eyes may be a little more pokoldovat with a pencil drawing for this new path. In case your eyes are very narrow, pencil can then pick them up a few. For this purpose, start to draw the arrow in the middle of almost the upper eyelid, a little going over the line the lash, and then moving to the outer corner, is not doing the usual sharp "arrow" to the side, but reducing it to nothing, ending at the corner of lin, spending at the roots of the lashes. If you do not have eyes narrow, but more small, round, the opposite will need the traditional thin "arrow", which will make your eyes almond-shaped, visually expanding them. Just as in the case described above, the arrow starts to draw a thin black, dark gray or brown, keeping the other equipment - starting almost lashes, and then allot a higher setting the stage for a little line for the natural contour of the eye. Before the final touches - applying mascara - tighten up a little eyelash tweezers. Very carefully apply mascara on the lower lashes as well - it will divert attention away from the natural contour of the eye, visually extending vertically.

Makeup for blondes

Nature has endowed blondes very effective appearance that combines porcelain skin and bright eye color and blond hair. In combination this creates a unique image of blonde maddening much of the male population. The main task of makeup for blondes - it emphasize the dignity of their appearance and make it more expressive. Tips on choosing specific colors vary somewhat, depending on the color of the eyes, and the colors themselves blonde locks. In that case if not a natural blonde, then the choice of cosmetics is complicated, because the skin tone in these dark blondes. Of cosmetics, there are whole series of makeup designed specifically for blondes. For example, a series of company SILVER Mageric. Most svetlenky blonde usually is the owner of a light or pale skin and blue, gray or blue eyes. This blondes to choose powder, making their skin look like a peach that is pinkish-white, pink-corporeal or light pink. Pink-coral blush will give an opportunity to create a beautiful and easy blush, and highlight the porcelain shade of your skin. If a light-skinned blonde hair or brown, or dark brown, and his eyes are either blue or gray, then powder should be either white or peach-pink-corporeal. Peach blush perfectly complement the image of fair-haired beauties. In the case of ash-blond hair, fair skin and blue, gray or brown eyes is best to choose a yellowish-pink, pink or bronze powder, blush and brown tones accentuate the cheekbones. In order to avoid the effect of the so-called "Overloaded" makeup person for daytime makeup blondes are best guided by transparent powder, is particularly well suited mineral powder with special light-reflecting particles. The sharp black eyeliner pencil or blondes are not recommended. In order to face did not look somewhat geeky best to use an eyebrow pencil or brown, or gray, or light or dark gray. Certainly, at the very light tone hair is better to choose light brown or gray eyebrow pencil, with ink should choose based on eye color: brown to use for dark eyes, and dark blue for the blue or gray eyes. Owners of blond or dark blond hair and blue or gray eyes, perfect dark gray pencil in combination with blue or light brown mascara. In case the hair ashen, his eyes you have blue, gray or brown, then choose the best tones like brown mascara and eyebrow pencil. Blonde with gray or blue eyes better to prefer blue or gray, or blue, or silver shades, but the brown-eyed girls is better to choose shades of bronze, but they can also use gray. The general rule for selecting lipstick blondes is their gentle and pastel tone, becoming more saturated with evening make-up. Most svetlenky blondes can also be used during the day light pink or pink-beige shades, and in the evening make-up - pink or light coral lipstick. If a light-skinned blonde hair brown or dark brown, and her eyes blue or gray, then lipstick should ideally be light pink or golden-pink or beige. In the evening, have to prefer coral shades. Finally, in the case of ash-blond hair, fair skin and blue, gray or brown eyes are ideal lipstick from pink and beige and pink tones to pale coral hues. They are replaced by the evening rich yellowish-pink or pink hues. The use of bronze or golden shadow blondes recently become fashionable trend. This allows you to create an unforgettable image and gives you a stunning look. Deep shades like blue shadows emphasize, and brown and green eyes, with ocher paint, in addition, help to emphasize the cheekbones, plus make more expressive facial features. Can be applied to the lips of a transparent golden shine, and complete the image with bronzer powder. Such an image is a bit unusual, however, but always warm golden colors will give your skin a soft, plus the fresh nuance, emphasis is on the eyes will give the opportunity to highlight your beautiful eye shape and the color, and the use of bronzer powder will give a person a very healthy, rested and slightly tanned look. Blonde with a honey-colored hair can also try a more intense make-up, which, however, does not remove features like softness and tenderness: the ocher shade and tone and tan powder, plus a pink-beige lipstick. Very natural makeup gives your skin a healthy tone, well, eyes depth and shine.

Evening make-up secrets

Primarily in the evening make-up as well as in any other - is the tone. Beautiful and smooth skin - is one of the most important conditions for a successful make-up. Select the appropriate corrective tone you a foundation. In order to neutralize redness on your skin or bumps, apply foundation is a greenish color. A yellowish tinge to the skin can be easily neutralized by bases light purple hue. The funds, which are rich with natural amino acids, making them ideal for owners of troubled dehydrated skin. In addition to careful maintenance, it is better to choose specialized tonal foundation for make-up, containing a patented medical components, for example, lipodermol, which has excellent moisturizing properties. In the case of corrective foundation and then blend concealer necessarily bear much smoother. Used to create evening makeup tone can sometimes be a little darker or lighter than usual. Also be sure to take into account the needs and lighting - if bright electric light, you should use the best creams slightly darker natural color, but with the soft light of the candles you will look gorgeous if you're using a shade lighter tone on the natural color. The ideal is the person that takes the form of an oval. For this reason, mentally draw on your face oval and then zatoniruyte most intense shade the exposed portions. To create a spectacular evening make-up will also be a golden powder, better, lighter shade of foundation used. It is best to apply loose powder, because it is very thin, so perfectly captures the tone. Piquancy evening makeup necessarily give well-chosen paint, without which your image will never be complete. In addition, for several evenings useful richer blush than than during the day, preferably slightly flickering. In choosing the color of blush must take into account the color of your hair. Thus, the blondes are almost any blush, they have to be very good shade. Girls with red hair color to avoid very bright or dark colors in order to make up did not seem challenging. In addition, red contra all the pink shades. Brunettes preferred beige-brown or peach, pink or warm shades. In this case, on the face of oriental look best pink or reddish-brown blush. In the event that a natural shade of your skin is very dark, and then blush must necessarily be quite dark.

Bridal make-up

Perhaps the make-up - is the final element of the image of the bride. When already selected a dress made festive hairstyle and pick up jewelery, it's time to apply the finishing touches, completing the overall look and make you the star of the evening itself. To ensure that all went exactly as intended, try to start preparing in advance. Thus, the wedding makeup applied only to a clean and healthy skin. In case you want to refresh it a little, then go to the reception to the beautician. But do it in advance, because the effects of drying or peeling of the skin can then take a few days. Be sure to objectively assess their own capabilities: can you cope with the makeup yourself or better to see a specialist. Doing make-up at home, it is easy to forget the excitement of some important rules and principles of bridal make-up, which requires special care in the elaboration and execution. For example, it must necessarily be made subject to the availability on a holiday photo and video, so must be natural, but slightly different from everyday makeup. Agree that viewing wedding photos - is quite independent fun. In addition, consider the fact that, most likely, in a stuffy room makeover lose freshness, but that by taking part in the rapid the fun, hardly want to leave guests to check in the order whether ink, not a how-blurred somehow blush. For this reason, trust the best professionals. Specialist quickly determine your skin type and shape of the eyes and hair color, and other natural features, and then make recommendations individually for you. Tend to give 5 basic types of wedding makeup. They are divided according to your inherent temperament, ideas that form the basis of the celebration, the selected image: • Classic style - a fluffy dress with many frills, very ornate hairstyle, gorgeous accessories, like a princess. In that case, you need to focus on the eyes, and lips, applying makeup and pearl sequins to your face really lit up with happiness. • The natural style - a flowing hair, soft waves that fall off the shoulders, plain light dress with a bit of a high waist, a little lip gloss, plus a light veil of summer floral scent. In this case, use a creamy texture, which soften the skin, and the matte, natural colors in makeup. But avoid absolutely transparent and the "invisible" colors - that you run the risk of getting lost in the crowd of invited girls, because you assigned the main role of the star of the holiday. • Elegant style - a carefully chosen, sitting on a figure with a waist wedding dress, glass of wine, tidy, but a seductive neckline and elegant shoes. In this case, do make-up in his own bold accent on the eyes, that is, "draw" them like an artist: inspired, and with great agility. In addition, select the eyebrows - they certainly should be clear, plus decorated. • extravagant style - choose your image is limited only by the imagination! But still stick to a single idea when the make-up. Of course, wedding make-up is quite close to the impressive and evening, but should avoid "flashy" colors: yellow and green and blue. • The informal style - in jeans and a work shirt, a little wrinkled man she loved, her comfortable sneakers, with her hair collected in a "tail." Or, conversely, is wearing a wedding dress outside the box. In this case, make-up can also be substandard. But awareness of this, of course, everyone has his. Here are a few tips and a few tricks that are sure to help you appear at the wedding in all its splendor: • Improve your wedding makeup fluorescent cosmetics that give the skin a natural glow. • Placing emphasis will certainly be aware of the latest modern trends in the bridal makeup. In the case before the main emphasis, or the eyes, or on the lips, but now need to attract attention at once on two of the "object" that is "eye-school" or "eye-brows" or "lip-brows." Select exactly the combination that best suits you. And this is, in turn, depends on the shape of your face, hair color and skin type. • Use waterproof mascara necessarily, because the wedding ceremony, plus the subsequent tender wishes and toasts Deeply moved you to tears. • When you select a color ink, prefer black or dark brown. It is sure to make your eyes much more expressive, and future husband will never take my eyes off you. However, if the bride is by nature - a man who is open minded who loves to experiment, then you can try and "moire" mascara: it shimmers like different shades, which certainly looks interesting. • There is already ready makeup better secure special tool, available in a shop with a professional make-up. Since it does not make "rasplyvetsya." Particularly true when the wedding takes place in the summer.


Femme fatale In the image of the femme fatale main attributes are broad black arrows and red lipstick. However, for life, and even more so in daylight, applies only one of these tools, of course, if babe wants to look weird, but not fatal, comical. If you decide to draw arrows that go beyond the outer corner of the eye, use natural and netemnye shadows to not overwhelm the image. In the event that you have a fairly large eyes, you can extend the line a bit, going for the look in this area, but the narrow slits such a gesture would be, in fact, rock, hide your eyes, as if under a heavy canopy. It is better not to do a broad arrow and limited to the lash line. In order to create a daytime makeup is best done only arrows on the upper eyelid. In this case certainly highlights the lips natural color lipstick or gloss, just a little cheeks for blush brush with. Moreover, the tone of the skin rather more light, paint, only the upper eyelashes. Red lipstick is very good as an evening option, the day is better to use light shine, but scarlet or rich cherry color. As a result, the lips will have a very tasty juicy overflow, but they should not be in conflict with the color palette to be used as the eyes and on the cheeks. Gamma other makeup - light, soft and pastel. Cold inaccessibility The traditional technique smoky eyes - this is what is needed to create an attractive and sexy image. Traditional special smoky eye makeup - is charcoal gray or brown double shadows, but you can choose the ones that carry the usual - like purple and green. Apply the lighter shade on the eyelid all, after a wet sponge or brush, draw out the eye directly on a contour line with dark shadows. Or the entire circuit, or the outer corner by two-thirds - you decide. Then, two-thirds of the upper eyelid with shading applied necessarily any dark shadows. They can also go to the zone for the lower lashes. Lip make-up with this absolutely must be very discreet, that is, the color matte black, natural pale brown or glossy caramel. In the middle natyurel Unrivaled natural charm - this flowing hair that waved in the wind, and the person who is gilded with gentle sunlight. As a person, and on the neck to apply bronzer powder, and, reflections on the cheeks and a little on the chin, as well as whiskey. With a round face should lighten forehead, chin, plus the area under the eyes, well, somewhat darker outlines the powder, highlighting cheekbones. It should be noted that the shadows are not only all the brown shades, and warm green or olive. Gloss or lipstick or caramel beige suit, and in the case of a light brown or matte eye makeup becomes indispensable pale pink gloss or pearlescent sheen. Playgirl With the exception of routine, when sexuality is manifested in moderation, there are situations when you need a deadly concentration. We're talking about makeup, designed for intimate escapades. Themselves choose the role you wish to play. If you find yourself Nabokov's nymphet, then it is necessary to arm pink blush and light shadows, plus candy-pink gloss and rich, it optionally can also be changed to red, the same texture. Without red lipstick can not do the mouth, and if you decide to try on, for example, the image of the nurse-seductress. Here juicy scarlet lipstick, which is combined with medical symbols on her robe. If you like long kisses that lipstick can only hinder, do focus on the eye makeup. Trump card - it's pretty dark eyebrows and intense shadows that shade almost to the eyebrows, plus an intense, somewhat sloppy smeared eyeliner. Think about the fact that most reflects your seductiveness, and make your sexual image. Grasp the fact that you most clearly expressed and highlight it with makeup.

Makeup for green eyes

A large number of disputes going on around the green-eyed is the female! Some consider them to look heavy or "witch." Some say that the eyes are very bright and radiant, plus have the ability to pull people to communicate their location. But one thing is certain: green eyes are beautiful! Let's look at how it is possible to emphasize their natural beauty with makeup. Often referred to as green eye color navy blue, and gray-green and green-brown, plus a host of other colors. Naturally, for such a diverse palette of options may not be the only universal council, and before you find your own, you will have a good experiment. So which is better to try to create your own makeup for green eyes? First things first, this brown shade. It is necessary to pay special attention on chocolate shades, in addition, should look nice and reddish-brown or golden-brown shade. In the case of the correct application can get quite attractive effect Sc. "Cat" eyes. In case you want to stand out, then you should try the shade rich purple hue. With such a make-up green eyes always look bigger and more expressive. The same range can also try plum shades. Even the "metal" shadow will look good with green eyes. In order to emphasize just the green, it is better to use contrasting colors, namely pink, or orange, or reddish. It is possible to apply these shadows is on the upper eyelid, the lower the color shade, which is as similar to the shade of your eyes. You can also try and other "colorful" option. It consists in the fact that all make-up is single and inconspicuous color, well, bright eyes imparted with a very saturated green line, which is held on the inner eyelid. In that case if you like a little more calm and neutral makeup, then why not use olive shades. They perfectly accentuate the charm of your green eyes. Also suitable for daily application of beige, cream or golden-white, and are close to the tone. In addition, such shades of shadows can be used as the most light during the creation of the complex make-up designed for green eyes. So, for its foundations are ideal gray-brown or peach shade. For the mid-tones will look well lilac, cornflower blue or lavender shades. Well, out of the dark is to use bronze, dark purple, and dark purple, ultramarine and brown, black. In that case you will have access to the light, then you should use a range of golden or copper tones. You're in this situation stunning, and well-made eye makeup will allow you to shine all night. In order to make your green eyes slightly different shade, try, for example, a terracotta color. In this case, the eyes become very beautiful emerald green color. The same effect will, in addition, dark-blue shadows. In that case if you want to emphasize the yellow tones, then apply less bright purple or lilac shade. Thus, a great variety of options! In the experiments, keep in mind that there is always a probability of an unfortunate choice of shades. For example, do not apply to all age shades that are very close to the natural color of your eyes. After all, ever "merge" with green eyes. For this reason, be careful with this color.